2016 Rigel Humanitarian STAR Award Nominees


 Daniel E. Irwin
Nominated by: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
SERVIR: provide developing countries NASA satellite images & data needed to address environmental issues

Mya Le Thai, Ph.D.
Nominated by: Brian Bell Communication Officer UCI
Groundbreaking research on gold nano-wire battery technology

 Morteza Garib, Ph.D.
Nominated by: Ares J. Rosakis, Ph.D. Professor of Aeronautics & Mechanical Eng. Caltech
Developing & bringing market solutions for cardiac health, glaucoma, 3D dental imaging …

 Sierra Madre Search & Rescue Team
Nominated by: Wendie Johnston, Ph.D., Pasadena Bioscience Collaborative
The Development of a search and rescue MapSar technology used around the world

S. Sona Hosseini, Ph.D.
Nominated by: Gilda Moshir, President of Rotary Club of San Marino
Design, construction of astronomical instruments for space exploration

Parker R Amstutz
Nominated by: Dana-Nicole B. Samuel
Creating a self-sustaining method to feed starving villages

 Julius Su, Ph.D.
Nominated by: Monica Barsever, Science Teacher at Alverno Heights Academy
Collaborative learning app for mobile devices, making high-quality teaching & learning accessible

Core Flight Systems Team, NASA
Nominated by: David C. McComas, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Committed to increased openness & knowledge sharing within the flight software community

 Tore C. Knos, Ph.D.
Nominated by: Lance A. Ito, Judge Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles
Developed shelter boxes that provide relief to those in disaster-stricken areas

Thomas A. Nazario
Nominated by: Lance A. Ito, Judge Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles
Founder of The Forgotten International

Isabelle Warner
Nominated by: Angie Gomez, Vice President of Pasadena Sister Cities Community
Chair of the Pasadena Sister Cities Armenia Subcommittee

Sorin Grama
Nominated by: Douglas Kerns, Ph.D., Founder & CTO of SIGENICS
Creating off-grid refrigeration for rural dairy farmers

 Samuel Clamons
Nominated by: Monica Barsever, Science Teacher at Alverno Heights Academy
Teaching young scientists the Laser Interferometer-Gravitational Wave Observation LIGO

Calum I Torrie, Ph.D.
Nominated by: William E. White M.D. & Robert A. Taylor
Laser Interferometer-Gravitational Wave Observation LIGO project

Denotes Winner